Over 1000 Members and Growing on Facebook!
We are a community of Unitarian Universalists who share an interest in mysticism. In this group and in face-to-face gatherings, we seek the rewards of dialogue and support.
We believe that direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder is a wellspring for a life of faith. Life and the universe are replete with mystery beyond thought or expectation. Encountering it raises our spiritual awareness, inspires us to have spiritual practices, and opens us to the forces that create and uphold life.
Our Objectives
- To provide inspiration and community to UUs in the quest for direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life.
- To involve UUs in the interfaith dialog on the evolving forms of personal and collective consciousness in the 21st century.
- To encourage the development of individual and group contemplative practices within Unitarian Universalist congregations.
- To develop and disseminate information and resources on mysticism and contemplative practices for use in UU religious education programs for both children and adults.
- To encourage personal witness and service reflecting the wellsprings of connection and compassion which open in us through the mystical life.
To this end, we ask that members remember the following:
- Do not critique another’s share of their mystical experience
- Share your own experiences, not another’s
- Use positive inquiry and polite langugage
- Please keep private the posts and comments on the Facebook group, and do not share them outside the group.